My Journey from Machine Learning to LLMs

My Journey from Machine Learning to LLMs

Table of contents

Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)

When I first started my MTech in Data Science, I was fascinated by the possibilities of machine learning. I dove into supervised learning algorithms like SVMs, Random Forests, and Neural Networks. These initial models could classify images, detect spam emails, and make predictions based on data.

However, as my learning progressed, I discovered the exciting world of Deep Learning and neural networks. Models like CNNs and RNNs could process complex inputs like images and text. I built recommender systems, image classifiers, and text generators using deep learning techniques.

But my biggest breakthrough came when I encountered Large Language Models for the first time. Models like GPT-3 and BERT completely changed how we process and generate text at scale. Suddenly, neural networks could understand and produce human-like language, showing remarkable knowledge and creativity.

The possibilities with LLMs were endless - from chatbots and question answering to text summarization and data augmentation. I was fascinated by the ability of these models to learn from unstructured text on the web and produce coherent output.

I was fascinated by how LLMs were able to perform a wide range of natural language tasks like question answering, text summarization and dialog generation, all with the same underlying model. Their capabilities seem almost limitless and the potential applications are endless.

Working with LLMs has been a challenge but also immensely rewarding. I had to learn new concepts like prompt engineering, fine-tuning and safety measures to effectively leverage these models. I developed custom interfaces and tools that enabled LLMs to search the web, ingest documents and perform tasks to augment my workflow.

My journey from machine learning to LLMs has been a relatively short but transformative one. LLMs represent the forefront of artificial intelligence research and I'm excited to continue learning and exploring this fascinating new frontier.

Exploring the ChatGPT Playground:

In this section, we'll dive into the ChatGPT Playground, a powerful environment for interacting with Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. The ChatGPT Playground offers customization options and insights into how you can work with these models effectively.

Several parameters in ChatGPT's playground allow you to customize the LLM's behaviour and generated text:


Temperature controls how risky or conservative the model's predictions are. Higher temperatures make the model more likely to generate less probable but more creative text, while lower temperatures produce more predictable and repetitive outputs.

You can set the temperature between 0 and 1. A value of 1 uses the original probability distribution assigned by the model, while lower temperatures skew the distribution to contain more probable options.

"temperature": 0.7

Top_p sampling

Top_p sampling restricts the model to the most probable tokens that cumulatively add up to the specified probability, p. This tends to produce more predictable and repetitive outputs.

"top_p": 0.95

A higher value of p considers more possible tokens, while a lower value focuses on a smaller set of most probable continuations.

Top-k sampling

Top-k sampling restricts the model to the k most likely token options at each step. Like top-p sampling, this tends to reduce the creativity and variability of the generated text.

"top_k": 50

A higher k value considers more possible tokens, while a lower k focuses on a smaller set.

Repetition penalty

The repetition penalty reduces the likelihood of repeating the same phrase multiple times in the generated text. It works by dividing the probability of repeating a phrase by this penalty value.

"repetition_penalty": 2.0

A higher value imposes a stronger penalty on repeated phrases, while a value of 1 has no effect.

You can experiment with different combinations of these parameters to customize ChatGPT's behaviour for your specific use case. Lower temperatures with top-k or top-p sampling tend to produce more predictable and consistent outputs, while higher temperatures with repetition penalties can generate more creative and variable text.

Exploring the ChatGPT API - Optimizing prompts to reduce tokens and costs

When interacting with the ChatGPT API, it is important to optimize your prompts and conversations to reduce the number of tokens used and consequently reduce costs. Here are some strategies:

Minimize context

ChatGPT uses a context window to remember the conversation history. Sending too much context in each request can significantly increase the token count and costs.

You can reduce context by:

  • Limiting the number of previous dialog turns included in each request. For example, only including the last 5 turns instead of the full history.

  • Resetting the context periodically by starting a new conversation.

  • Removing irrelevant context from previous turns that is no longer needed.

For example:

  "context": "Previous turn 1 \n Previous turn 2",
  "prompt": "My question",
  "max_tokens": 100 

Instead, send:

  "context": "Previous turn 2",
  "prompt": "My question",
  "max_tokens": 100

Combine information

When possible, combine multiple questions or information into a single, more comprehensive prompt. This will reduce the number of requests sent and consequently the total token count.

Limit response length

Set an appropriate max_tokens value to limit the length of ChatGPT's responses. Longer responses will use more tokens and cost more.

Use an appropriate model

Less powerful AI models require fewer tokens to achieve the same performance. Consider using a less expensive model when possible.

Monitor token usage

Track the number of tokens used for each request to identify opportunities for optimization. You can also implement token budgets to enforce cost limits.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about optimizing ChatGPT API usage. I tried to summarize the main strategies mentioned in the web pages while formatting the answer in markdown.

Interacting with ChatGPT API using ChainLIT

ChainLIT is a Python library that makes it easy to build interactive user interfaces for large language models like ChatGPT. It provides a set of UI components that can be used to interact with ChatGPT's API.

To get started, you'll need an OpenAI API key to access ChatGPT. Then you can install ChainLIT using pip:

pip install chainlit

Once ChainLIT is installed, you can import it in your Python script:

import chainlit

ChainLIT exposes a ChatGPT class that allows you to make API calls to ChatGPT. You instantiate it like this:

chatbot = chainlit.ChatGPT(api_key="<your API key>")

You can then call the prompt() method to send a prompt to ChatGPT and get a response:

response = chatbot.prompt("Hello, what is your name?")
# "My name is ChatGPT, I'm an AI assistant created by OpenAI."

ChainLIT also has a set of UI components you can use to build a custom ChatGPT interface:

  • TextInput - For the user to input text prompts

  • ResponseDisplay - To display ChatGPT's responses

  • ParameterSlider - To adjust ChatGPT's temperature, top_p and other parameters

  • HistoryDisplay - To show the conversation history

You can build your UI using these components and connect them to the ChatGPT class to interact with the API in real-time.

For example, a simple UI could be:

chatbot = chainlit.ChatGPT(api_key)

text_input = chainlit.TextInput()
response_display = chainlit.ResponseDisplay()

text_input.on_change(lambda text: 

ChainLIT also integrates with Streamlit, allowing you to deploy your ChatGPT interface as a web app.

Improving ChatGPT User Interface using LangChain

LangChain is a Python library that can be used to improve ChatGPT user interfaces in several ways:

Memory Management

One of the main issues with ChatGPT's default API is that it has no memory of previous conversations. Each API call is treated as a standalone interaction.

LangChain provides various memory types that can store and manage ChatGPT's conversation history efficiently:

  • ConversationBufferMemory: Stores the entire conversation history. Can become expensive for long conversations.

  • ConversationSummaryBufferMemory: Stores a summary of past interactions instead of the full text. Uses ChatGPT to generate the summary. This limits the number of tokens per interaction, improving performance.

By using a LangChain memory, ChatGPT can maintain context across multiple turns in a conversation, leading to more coherent and relevant responses.

Prompt Templates

LangChain's PromptTemplate class allows you to define reusable prompt templates with placeholders. This makes it easy to generate new prompts dynamically based on the conversation context.

For example, you can have a template:

My name is {name} and I am a {role}.

And generate different prompts by filling placeholders:

My name is John and I am a student.

My name is Jane and I am a teacher.

This makes it easier to assign ChatGPT different roles and personalities during a conversation.

Parameter Customization

LangChain allows you to pass parameters like temperature, top_p and frequency_penalty to ChatGPT to customize its responses for your user interface.

This fine-tunes the model's behaviour and conversational style.

Filling Memory with Context

You can pre-populate LangChain's memory with relevant context and information using the save_context() method.

This "primes" ChatGPT with domain knowledge, improving the quality of its initial responses.

LangChain provides features that help optimize ChatGPT's memory usage, add context awareness, customize personalities and parameters, and pre-fill memory - all of which can significantly improve the performance and user experience of your ChatGPT-powered user interface.

Enhancing the Interface: enabling streaming responses, backend processing view, and stop sequence button

To enhance a ChatGPT user interface, there are three main things we can implement:

1. Streaming responses

This allows ChatGPT's responses to be displayed in real-time as the model is generating them, instead of all at once after the response is fully generated. This gives a more interactive and natural conversation experience for the user.

We can enable streaming responses in our API proxy by setting the response.streaming.enabled property to true in the TargetEndpoint definition:

<TargetEndpoint name="default">
     <Property name="response.streaming.enabled">true</Property>  

Then, in our UI code, we listen for new data on the response stream and display it as it comes in.

2. Backend processing view

We can show the user that the backend ChatGPT model is processing their input by displaying an indicator or spinner. This gives feedback that their request has been received and is being worked on.

In our UI code, we can:

  • Show a spinner when the request is sent

  • Hide the spinner when the first response data is received, indicating processing is complete

This simple feedback can improve the user experience.

3. Stop sequence button

We can implement a "Stop" button that allows the user to halt ChatGPT's response generation midway. This gives the user more control over long-form generative outputs.

In our UI code for the button:

  • We save the request ID sent to the API proxy

  • When the button is clicked, we send a stop request to the API proxy using the saved request ID

  • The API proxy can then stop response generation for that request ID

These three features - streaming responses, backend processing indicators, and a stop sequence button - can significantly enhance the usability and control of a ChatGPT user interface. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Vector Databases for Context Window Expansion

Large language models like GPT-3 suffer from the problem of catastrophic forgetting, where the model loses previously acquired knowledge as it trains on new data. One proposed solution is to expand the context window for new training examples using vector databases instead of fine-tuning the entire model.

Vector databases store vector embeddings of concepts, entities and relations. When training a new example, the context window can be expanded by retrieving relevant vectors from the database. This provides additional context for the new example without modifying the model's existing weights.

Here's how it works:

  1. A vector database is created by encoding relevant concepts, entities and relations into vector embeddings. This can be done using techniques like word2vec, GloVe or BERT embeddings.

  2. When training a new example, vectors relevant to that example are retrieved from the database and added to the context window.

  3. The model is trained only on the new example, without modifying its existing weights. This avoids catastrophic forgetting of previous knowledge.

  4. The process is repeated for all new training examples. Each time, relevant vectors from the database are used to expand the context window.

  5. Over time, the model acquires new knowledge from the training examples, while retaining most of its previously learned knowledge.

This approach has several advantages:

  • It avoids catastrophic forgetting since the model's weights are not modified during training.

  • It provides a larger context for new examples by retrieving relevant vectors from the database.

  • The vector database can be constantly updated with new vectors to improve context expansion over time.

The main challenge is building a high-quality vector database that covers a wide range of concepts. But with a large enough database, this approach shows promise for improving the training of large language models.

using vector databases for context window expansion is a potential technique to address catastrophic forgetting in large language models. By retrieving relevant vectors from the database during training, the approach can provide additional context for new examples while avoiding fine-tuning of the entire model.

Querying Vector Databases - Hands-on Examples

Vector databases store data as vector embeddings that capture the characteristics of objects in a multidimensional space. This enables efficient similarity search and retrieval of related objects.

To query a vector database and retrieve similar vectors, we compare a query vector with the stored vectors using distance metrics. Here are some hands-on examples:


ChromaDB is an open-source vector database. We can install it using:

pip install chroma-db

To create a collection:

from chroma import Collection

collection = Collection(dimension=128)

This creates a collection with 128-dimensional vectors.

We can add vectors to the collection:

collection.add("item1", [0.1, 0.2, ... , 0.8])  
collection.add("item2", [0.2, 0.3, ... , 0.7])

To query the collection and retrieve similar vectors:

result = collection.query("item1", top_k=3)

# Returns 3 most similar vectors to "item1"
for match in result:
    print(match['id'], match['score'])

The score indicates the similarity, with higher scores meaning more similar vectors.

We can also pass a query vector instead of an ID:

query_vector = [0.15, 0.2, ... , 0.75]
result = collection.query(query_vector, top_k=5)

This retrieves the 5 most similar vectors to our query vector.


Pinecone is another popular vector database. We can install the client using:

pip install pinecone-client

Then initialize the client with our API key:

import pinecone

pinecone.init(api_key="<your_api_key>", environment="production")

We can create an index:

index = pinecone.create_index("my_index", dimension=128)

Add vectors:

index.upsert([("item1", [0.1, 0.2, ... , 0.8])])

Query the index:

result = index.query([0.15, 0.2, ... , 0.75], top_k=5)

for match in result['matches']:
    print(match['id'], match['score'])

This will return the 5 most similar vectors to our query.

Hope this gives you some hands-on examples of querying vector databases! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Building a Q&A System for PDF Documents

There are several steps involved in building a Q&A system for PDF documents:

1. Extract Text from PDF

The first step is to extract the textual content from the PDF documents. You can use a library like PyPDF2 or PDFMiner to extract all the text from one or more PDF files. This will give you the raw text to work with.

2. Structure the Text into Questions and Answers

You then need to structure the extracted text into a question-and-answer format. This typically involves:

  • Identifying questions in the text

  • Identifying answers that correspond to each question

  • Assigning tags or categories to the questions

You can do this manually or programmatically using natural language processing and machine learning models.

3. Create a Database of Questions and Answers

Once you have identified the questions and answers, you need to store them in a database. A simple SQL database will work. The table structure would contain:

  • Question text

  • Answer text

  • Question tags (optional)

4. Build a Search Interface

You can then build a web interface to allow users to search the question database. Users can enter search terms related to their question, and the interface will return relevant questions from the database along with the answers.

You can improve the search functionality by generating embeddings for the questions and answers using models like BERT. This allows the detection of semantic similarity between questions, leading to more relevant search results.

The Google Colab notebook shows how to generate BERT embeddings for the text from PDF documents. The InstantQnA GitHub repository demonstrates a full system for building a Q&A engine for PDFs using OpenAI models to generate embeddings.

the key steps are extracting text from PDFs, structuring that text into questions and answers, storing them in a database, and building a search interface. Using embeddings can improve the search and relevance of the results.

Answering Questions Using PDFs and Text Files

PDF and text files can be used as input for question-answering systems, but there are a few challenges:

Extracting Information

The first challenge is accurately extracting information from the documents. PDFs can be difficult to parse due to their formatting, while text files still require sentence segmentation and tokenization. This extraction process can miss or distort information.

Structuring the Data

The extracted text needs to be structured in a way that allows for answering questions. This typically involves identifying questions, answers, and relevant contexts within the text. Current NLP models still struggle with this level of comprehension.

Representing the Data

The extracted information is often represented as embeddings to allow for semantic search and retrieval of relevant contexts for answering questions. The quality of the embeddings impacts how well contexts can be retrieved.

Generating Answers

Large language models are used to generate answers given the retrieved contexts. However, they still make mistakes and occasionally hallucinate information. Providing sources can help validate the answers but is not foolproof.

System Limitations

question-answering systems built on PDFs and text files face various limitations:

  • Incomplete or incorrect extraction of information

  • Inability to perfectly identify questions, answers, and contexts

  • Errors in generated embeddings

  • Inaccurate or hallucinated answers from language models

  • Lack of sources to verify all answers

The code snippets shared demonstrate some of these challenges in action:

  • The text splitter extracts chunks from the PDF but with some misalignment

  • The doc search function retrieves relevant contexts using embeddings but with imperfect accuracy

  • The answers from ChatGPT contain some inaccuracies

  • The provided sources help validate the answers but are not comprehensive

PDFs and text files can be used as inputs, question answering systems built on them will demonstrate various imperfections and limitations due to the challenges involved in extracting, structuring, and representing the information within them. The system's performance will depend on how well these issues are addressed and mitigated.

Web Browsing Agents and Language Models

Web browsing agents can access and retrieve information from the web, allowing language models to perform "chain of thought" reasoning by utilizing the latest information available online.

The web contains an enormous amount of up-to-date knowledge that can enhance the capabilities of language models. However, language models typically lack the ability to access and ingest web content on their own.

This is where web browsing agents come in. They act as an interface between language models and the web, allowing language models to benefit from the knowledge contained on the internet.

A web browsing agent works by:

  1. Receiving a question or prompt from the language model

  2. Formulating a relevant web search query based on the input

  3. Retrieving relevant web pages from search engines

  4. Extracting key information and knowledge from the web pages

  5. Providing the extracted information to the language model as context

The language model can then utilize this web-sourced knowledge to reason about the input question or prompt, exhibiting a "chain of thought" that incorporates information beyond its original training data.

For example, if a language model is asked "What is the current COVID situation?", a web browsing agent could:

  1. Search for "covid cases" on Google

  2. Retrieve the latest news articles on COVID case counts

  3. Extract the current number of cases from the articles

  4. Provide that number to the language model as context

The language model could then answer "There are currently X number of cases worldwide" based on the information sourced from the web by the agent.

web browsing agents act as an interface between language models and the web, allowing language models to incorporate up-to-date information from the internet to perform a "chain of thought" reasoning that goes beyond their original training data. This enables language models to answer previously unknown questions by accessing knowledge on the web.

What is RLHF?

RLHF stands for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback. It is a technique that combines reinforcement learning with human feedback to train AI systems.

How it works

RLHF follows these basic steps:

  1. An initial AI model is trained using supervised learning. This model learns to predict the correct output given some input data.

  2. Human trainers then provide feedback on the model's performance by ranking or scoring its outputs.

  3. This human feedback is used to create a reward signal for reinforcement learning. The reward signal represents how "good" or "bad" the model's outputs are according to the human trainers.

  4. The model is then fine-tuned using reinforcement learning algorithms like PPO. The algorithm optimizes the model's parameters to maximize the reward signal (i.e. improve performance according to human feedback).

  5. The process of collecting human feedback and fine-tuning the model through reinforcement learning is repeated iteratively to continuously improve the model.


RLHF has several benefits:

  • It allows AI models to better align with complex human preferences that are difficult to encode programmatically.

  • The human feedback helps the models adapt to new tasks and scenarios.

  • The iterative nature of RLHF can help reduce biases and lead to continuous improvement.

  • The human feedback loop can steer the models away from unwanted or harmful behaviour, improving safety.


RLHF has been used to train advanced language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. The human feedback helps these models generate more relevant, factual and appropriate text outputs.

RLHF has also been applied to other areas like dialogue agents, summarization models and content generation systems.

In summary, RLHF is an effective technique to train AI systems by incorporating human judgment into the reinforcement learning process. The human feedback acts as a reward signal that guides the models to optimize for desired human objectives and preferences.

AI Researcher - GPT Researcher

In this project, we're building a GPT researcher who can answer questions on the latest fields of science and provide citations when requested. We'll use the arXiv database, which contains scholarly articles on various scientific topics.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install Libraries: Start by importing the necessary libraries and defining your OpenAI API key.

  2. Define the Agent Chain: The Agent Chain is essential for connecting prompts, large language models, and algorithms. In this case, we're using the "zero-short-react-description" algorithm. Set the maximum number of iterations to 5 and enable result handling.

  3. Using the arXiv Tool: We can interact with the arXiv database using a tool. We ask the AI to search for information by inputting the action "arxiv" followed by the search query (e.g., "arxiv RL" to search for reinforcement learning papers). The AI performs this action and retrieves a list of research papers.

  4. Observing the Process: You can observe the AI's thought process, including its understanding of the query and the selected action. This helps you understand how the AI arrives at its conclusions.

  5. Enhancing the User Interface: The Chain Integration tool allows you to create a user-friendly interface for your AI. It simplifies the interaction with the AI system.

  6. Using the Agent Chain: The Agent Chain can be used similarly to the arXiv tool. You input a question, and the AI answers based on the available knowledge.

  7. Handling Verbosity: You can control the verbosity of the AI's responses. Setting "verbose" to false will provide concise answers while setting it to true will include the AI's thought process.

With these tools, you can create an AI researcher that can provide information on a wide range of scientific topics. The AI can search for and summarize research papers from arXiv, making it a valuable resource for staying up-to-date with the latest developments in science.

Feel free to experiment with different questions and actions to explore the capabilities of your GPT researcher.

Human as a Tool

Using humans as a tool in the AI development process can be a valuable approach, especially when you want to validate or correct your AI's behaviour. Instead of relying solely on changing parameters, you can interact with the AI to guide it in the right direction. This is where the "human-as-a-tool" package comes into play.

Here's an example scenario of how to use this approach:

  1. Modify Tools Array: In your code, you'll need to include the "human" tool in the tools array. This tool allows you to interact with the AI as a human.

  2. Define a Method: You can define a method to interact with the AI when it's in a particular state or needs guidance. This method can receive input from you and provide feedback to the AI.

In the provided code, the example is a simple math problem. You ask the AI, "What is my math problem?" The AI observes this and uses the LLM (Language Model) math calculator tool to provide an answer.

For instance, if you input a basic math problem like "If I have three apples and we add two more, how many apples do I have?" The AI can calculate the answer and return it, which in this case would be five.

The advantage of this approach is that you can use the "human-as-a-tool" package to provide feedback or correct the AI's behaviour during its thought process. If it comes up with an incorrect solution, you can instantly guide it in the right direction, making the development process more interactive and dynamic.

Mini Code Interpreter Plugin (Replit Tool)

The mini code interpreter plugin, using tools like Replit, allows you to run Python code and retrieve the output within your ChatGPT interaction. It's a convenient way to execute Python scripts using ChatGPT. Here's how it works:

  1. Writing Python Code: You can ask ChatGPT to run Python code by specifying your question or request. For example, you asked, "What is the 10th Fibonacci number?"

  2. Action Recognition: ChatGPT identifies that your request involves running Python code, and it recognizes the action, which is to run code on Replit.

  3. Code Input: The AI constructs the Python code based on your request. In this case, it generates Python code to calculate the 10th Fibonacci number.

  4. Execution on Replit: The generated Python code is sent to Replit, which is a platform for coding and running code online. Replit executes the code.

  5. Output Retrieval: After the code execution is complete, ChatGPT retrieves the output, which is the answer to your question, and presents it to you.

In this example, the AI recognized your request for the 10th Fibonacci number, generated Python code to calculate it, executed the code on Replit, and then provided you with the list of Fibonacci numbers, with the 10th one highlighted as the answer.

This tool is particularly useful when you need to perform specific calculations or run Python code snippets within your conversation with ChatGPT.

Searching YouTube Using Agents

You can use agents to search YouTube for videos and retrieve video links based on your queries. Here's how it works:

  1. YouTube Search Package: To make this tool work, you need to install the YouTube search package.

  2. Tool Definition: In your code, you define a tool object that consists of three parameters:

    • Name: This can be any name for the tool.

    • Function: Describes what the tool does when it's called.

    • Description: Specifies when to use the tool. In this case, it tells the AI that it should provide links to YouTube videos and complete them with "https://" and other necessary details.

  3. Initialization: You initialize an agent with the tools you've defined, including the YouTube search tool.

  4. Querying for YouTube Videos: You can ask the AI questions related to YouTube videos. For example, you asked, "What's a Joe Rogan video on an interesting topic?"

  5. Response: The agent uses the YouTube search tool to find relevant YouTube video links based on your query. It returns the links, which include "https://" and other necessary details to make them clickable.

  6. Integration: If you want to integrate this into a ChainLit environment, you can copy and paste the code, replacing the specific YouTube search with other tools or functionalities as needed.

In this example, the AI successfully found a relevant YouTube video and provided the link for you to explore.

This tool is useful for searching and sharing YouTube video links within your conversation with ChatGPT.

Exploring More Tools and Future Possibilities

we've covered various tools and integrations with ChatGPT, and there are still more possibilities to explore. Here's a summary of what we can explore further:

  1. Zapier: Zapier is a service that offers over 5,000 different integrations, allowing you to connect various apps and automate workflows. While you haven't demonstrated it in this video due to API key privacy concerns, it's a valuable tool to explore for automating tasks and creating custom integrations.

  2. Natural Language Actions API: This tool is a topic you plan to cover in a future video. It's worth exploring as it can enable ChatGPT to perform specific actions based on natural language input. For example, you can create a bot that retrieves and shares the latest research on a particular topic, making it easy to keep up with new developments in your field.

  3. Shell Tool: It seems you're going to explore the Shell tool in your video. This tool allows you to run shell commands within ChatGPT. It can be used for a variety of tasks, including executing code, managing files, or interacting with external programs.

  4. Custom Tools: You can create your own custom tools to extend the capabilities of ChatGPT. By defining a tool object with a name, function, and description, you can teach ChatGPT to perform specific tasks or access external resources.

Exploring these tools and integrations can open up a world of possibilities for improving your workflow and automating tasks. As you continue to experiment and develop new tools, you can enhance the usefulness of ChatGPT for your specific needs.

Custom Tools and Exploring Possibilities

In the final section, we delved into the exciting world of custom tools. Custom tools allow you to extend ChatGPT's capabilities and define your own functions and actions for the model to execute. You showcased a simple example using a custom tool for multiplication, demonstrating the flexibility and power of this feature.

Here's a recap of what you covered:

  1. Configuration: You enabled "Lang Chain Tracing" to trace through custom functions, enhancing the model's ability to understand and execute them.

  2. Creating a Custom Tool: You defined your custom tool, including a name, function, and description. In this case, you created a "Multiplier" tool that multiplies two numbers.

  3. Custom Function: You implemented the custom function, "parsing_multiplier," which takes a string as input (e.g., "3,4"), splits it into two values (3 and 4), performs multiplication, and returns the result (12).

  4. Execution and Observation: When you asked the agent to multiply two numbers, it executed the custom tool, displayed the action and input, and returned the result (12).

  5. Exploring Possibilities: You encouraged creative thinking about how custom tools can be used for various tasks and processes, such as interacting with APIs, automating tasks, and more.

  6. Fine-Tuning Behavior: You raised an interesting question about whether it's possible to fine-tune the model's behaviour based on the output of multiple agents, thus reinforcing logical thinking behaviour within the model itself.

Custom tools offer limitless possibilities for extending ChatGPT's capabilities and tailoring it to specific tasks and workflows. They enable you to create intelligent assistants that can perform a wide range of functions, from calculations to complex data processing and automation.

Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Large Language Models

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3, BERT and CoCa demonstrate huge potential through their natural language understanding and generation abilities. However, current LLMs also have some important limitations that must be considered for responsible and effective use.

In this blog post, I've both the potential and limitations of LLMs based on the provided web search results, concluding with some key takeaways. I have also created a GitHub repository with demo projects showcasing LLM applications:

GitHub Repository: LLMs Demo Projects

The Potential of LLMs

Natural communication

LLMs can communicate with humans in a conversational manner that approaches the complexity of human-to-human interaction. This enables many potential applications involving human-AI interaction, like chatbots and virtual assistants.

Automation of tasks

LLMs have the potential to automate a wide range of tasks by generating text that completes the task. This includes content writing, summarizing texts, providing feedback on writing, and answering questions.

Productivity gains

By automating repetitive tasks and providing suggestions, LLMs have the potential to improve efficiency and productivity for individuals and organizations.

Democratization of AI

Tools like GPT-3 and CoCa make AI accessible to the general public, allowing more people to benefit from the capabilities of large language models.

The Limitations of Current LLMs

Lack of commonsense knowledge

LLMs cannot generate new knowledge and often make logical errors due to not "understanding" the information they produce.

Inaccuracies and bias

The outputs of LLMs contain factual errors, and inconsistencies and reflect the biases in their training data.

Limited specialized knowledge

LLMs have very little domain-specific knowledge in most fields and industries.

Opaque decision-making

It is difficult to determine how LLMs arrive at a particular output.

Key Takeaways

While LLMs demonstrate huge potential, responsible use requires:

  • Fact-checking model outputs to ensure accuracy

  • Limiting LLM tasks to areas within their capabilities

  • Monitoring for biases and ethical issues

  • Providing human oversight where needed

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us, and we look forward to witnessing the incredible innovations and breakthroughs that ChatGPT will inspire in the years to come.