" Rock, Paper, Scissors game"

My First JavaScript Project

" Rock, Paper, Scissors game"

Hey there! I'm just starting my journey with JavaScript, and I wanted to share my experience of building my very first project – a Rock, Paper, Scissors game. This game might sound simple, but it's been quite the adventure!

Where It All Started

I got the idea for this project while reminiscing about the games I played as a kid. Rock, Paper, Scissors popped into my head as a perfect starting point for my JavaScript journey. It's a game we all know and love, and it seemed like a fun way to dip my toes into coding.

First Steps

Before I started coding, I did a little planning. I organized my project files into a neat structure like this:


    • Images

    • styles/

      • rock-paper-scissors.css
    • scripts/

      • rock-paper-scissors.js
    • index.html

I also found some cool hand emojis for Rock, Paper, and Scissors to add a fun touch to my game.

Building the Webpage

I created a basic webpage using HTML, which was the canvas for my game. It included buttons for the player's moves (Rock, Paper, Scissors), a section to show game results, a spot for the score, and buttons to reset the score or toggle auto-play.

Making It Look Cool

To make my game visually appealing, I used CSS to give it a slick appearance. I went for a dark theme with white text and made the buttons circular. It might not sound like much, but it made a big difference!

The JavaScript Magic

This was the exciting part. In my JavaScript file, rock-paper-scissors.js, I brought the game to life. I started by setting up the game's score, which I stored in the browser's memory to keep track of wins, losses, and ties.

I added event listeners to respond to the player's clicks and even set up keyboard shortcuts for quick play. For instance, 'r' for Rock, 'p' for Paper, and 's' for Scissors. I also made 'a' toggle auto-play and 'Backspace' to reset the score (with a confirmation message, of course).

Bringing It All Together

The real challenge was implementing the game's logic. I wrote code to randomly generate the computer's moves and determine the game's outcome based on the player's choice. It was a puzzle, but when it all came together, it felt like a victory!

Sharing the Fun

I couldn't wait to share my creation with others. So, I uploaded the code to my GitHub repository: rock-paper-scissors-game

The coolest part? You can actually play the game right now! Just click here: Rock Paper Scissors Game.

Wrapping It Up

Building this Rock, Paper, Scissors game was an amazing learning experience. It's taught me so much about JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It's also shown me that I can bring my ideas to life through code.

I'm thrilled about my next JavaScript projects. Who knows what I'll create next?

Until then, it's Rock, Paper, Scissors anyone?